LYNX | Houdini | Velocity Asset

LYNX | Houdini | Velocity Asset

LYNX | Houdini | Velocity

Hello World ๐Ÿ™‚

Today I’m introducing the first tool of my personal vfx toolset called “LYNX”.

The first tool’s name is “LYNX_velocity”. It is a Houdini .hda that allows you to create the velocity attribute based on edge selections. It also allows for finely tuned control of your velocities via grooming.

Features include:

  • Creating custom velocities along edges with fine control over direction and noise
  • Layered based edits which you can toggle on/off or solo view allow for easy tweaking
  • Grooming the velocities for absolute control

Download the tool and the example files on Github!

Release Log

v1.0 Release:

  • Bug fixes
  • You can now set the attribute to manipulate to be a custom one
  • Visualizers are now handled by the .hda to handle custom attribute support

v0.9 Release:

  • Creating custom velocities along edges with fine control over direction and noise
  • Layered based edits which you can toggle on/off or solo view allow for easy tweaking
  • Grooming the velocities for absolute control


Here is a tutorial, that goes into detail on how to use it and that gives a couple of practical examples.

LYNX | Houdini | Velocity | Tutorial | LucaScheller
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An important side note: If the asset outputs velocity vectors of length 0, then it is very likely that the normals that are fed into the asset/that are create by the asset are of length 0. To fix this, simply create correct normals on your input geometry. More information on this in the video.


5 Responses

  1. Rex says:

    That’s sweet! Thanks,Luca!

  2. chanson says:

    Where do I install the LYNX.json file? I am confused by the Github description. In the C:\Users\YourUserNameHere\Documents\houdini19.5 or C:\Program Files\Side Effects Software\Houdini 19.5.493\packages ? I am not having any luck figuring this out.

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